590 outstanding crates – please help to find them!

Please see the message below from Estates about the number of outstanding crates and the cost of this to the University.

Crate Return

The University has now reached a point whereby there are currently 590 outstanding crates that are missing which is costing the University £182.90 per week.

If you spot any crates that are no longer in use, please email ! Estates Crate Requests with the location and number of crates and we will then arrange a collection with the crate hire company and deduct the crate cost from the appropriate Faculty/Department records. They are black plastic crates with Specialised Movers in white on the site or the larger purple and yellow IT crates or older red crates (see images below) – there are currently 71 of these IT crates outstanding.

If you have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact Estates Admin on Ext 4070.

Many thanks for your co-operation in this matter.


The first image shows the IT crates of which there are 71 outstanding and below is a standard black crate.