Hallam Deal update – open sessions, rewards and opportunities

Below is the latest in a series of regular updates from HROD relating to progress and actions that are part of the Hallam Deal.

Our commitments as part of the Hallam Deal relate to the environment and culture we want to create for our staff whilst making it clear what we expect in return to become the world’s leading applied university. We said we would provide you with regular updates on progress and detailed below are some key pieces of work that we have delivered in support of the deal.


What’s new this month?

Hallam Deal Open Sessions – As part of the ongoing development of the Hallam Deal, earlier this year we committed to keep in touch with you throughout the summer to update on the developments and progress we have made. We have therefore scheduled a further series of open sessions to which you are invited. In addition, during these sessions, we would like to take the opportunity to share with you the newly launched Equality Objectives, as well as gathering your views and ideas of how we can progress the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion agenda as part of the Hallam Deal.

You can book onto one of the sessions using the links below:

Working togetherRespect our people and treat each other fairly

Healthy Eating – As part of the wellbeing offer, we are running an initiative to promote healthy eating. Our university’s Executive Chef will be delivering a cooking demonstration (read about the first of these events here). The events are open to all staff and cost £2 with the proceeds going to the Hallam Fund charity and each participant receiving lunch. You can book onto the remaining event at Collegiate Campus here: Wednesday 11th July, Collegiate Crescent Campus, 12.30 – 1.30pm

Equality Essentials and Unconscious Bias training modules – The University’s new online Equality Essentials and Unconscious Bias training modules are now available.

Our Equality Objectives 2017–2020 set our vision to be recognised as a University that adds value to the futures of all our students, staff and partners by drawing on their unique and diverse talents and providing an environment that allows everyone to flourish and succeed. The modules seek to support these objectives by raising awareness of individual responsibilities around equality and unconscious bias.

We are asking all staff to complete 2 modules – ‘Equality Essentials’ and ‘ Unconscious Bias 1’. We ask that any staff members with line management or recruitment responsibilities also complete the third module ‘Unconscious Bias 2’.

The modules are located on Shuspace which can be accessed using your standard network username and password to log in. They are displayed under ‘HROD People Development (2017/18)’, which can be found on the list of organisation sites at the top left of the page. (once you have logged in)

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact Richard Hughes (ext. 6162) or Anna Jarvis (ext. 6124) in the People Development team.

Prevent Training – The Sheffield Hallam Prevent Course provides an overview for staff on the Prevent Duty and focuses on raising general awareness of Prevent amongst all staff.  The course is for all staff to complete and is delivered in two ways – via an e-learning module and via a workshop. The material in the e-learning module and the workshop is the same, so staff won’t need to complete both. The E-Learning module takes 20 minutes to complete. Please contact Richard Hughes who will set up access to the module for you, your team or your department. The workshop is an hour-long interactive session and provides the opportunity for staff to discuss the key issues in the Prevent duty. Places can be booked via CORE Portal.

Staff Diversity Network Groups – Increasingly, staff networks are important in delivering the university’s Equality and Diversity objectives by providing visible, active promotion of the university’s values and strategic vision. In recognition of this it has been agreed that employees who are members of a university staff diversity network group should be enabled to attend university approved meetings and events, related to these groups, in working time.

These groups include:-

  • SIGNAL (LGBT+ Staff Network)
  • Race Staff Network
  • SPARK (Staff Disability Network)
  • Genders Staff Network
  • Parents & Carers Staff Network
  • Allies Network Group

When considering attendance at meetings or events, a manager should consider the effect of the employee’s absence on the service and the impact on students, however every effort should be made to support the request.  Staff should provide advance notice of these commitments. Employees fulfilling the role of Chair, or other named roles on these university approved staff network groups will be allocated the equivalent of up to one day per month to undertake the duties associated with these roles. If these role holders are academic members of staff the time should be accounted for as part of the work allocation process.

How you get rewarded – A range of reward and benefits will be offered

Childcare Vouchers – As a reminder, the valued benefit of the childcare voucher scheme with Computershare Voucher Services which helps parents make savings on childcare costs was extended earlier in the year.  Following discussions in Parliament, the deadline to register for Childcare Vouchers was extended. The last date for registering with Computershare is the 20th August 2018. Full details on how to register with the scheme can be found on the Family Benefits pages on the HROD intranet. Alternatively, you can contact the HR Reward and Benefits Team on ext. 5542 or 4664.

The opportunity  – There will be opportunities for you to achieve your potential

Sheffield Hallam first Academic Careers Framework (ACF) – Earlier this month Sheffield Hallam’s first Academic Careers Framework (ACF) was published.

For the first time a single framework recognises achievement across the full range of academic activities that shape the University’s identity. The ACF sets out expectations for academic achievement, across four strands:

  • Academic citizenship and leadership (AC&L)
  • Research and innovation (R&I)
  • Learning and teaching (L&T)
  • Professional and business engagement (P&BE)

The ACF supports the Performance and Development Review (PDR) process for academics. The indicators of achievement in the ACF indicate the expectations at each grade. It’s designed to help academics and their reviewers to agree objectives and reflect on their contribution, development and career ambitions and plans as part of the PDR process.

Guidance accompanying both the ACF and PDR will provide more details about how to interpret the ACF and how to use it effectively. Briefings have also been scheduled. These will be most relevant to current academic staff but might also be of interest to anyone aspiring to develop an academic career. The remaining dates for these sessions are listed below (click to book):

During this summer and throughout the academic year 2018/19 feedback on the framework will be collated with a view to making any improvements. If you have any questions and can’t attend one of the briefing sessions please email ! Performance and Development Review