Pracademia: Focus groups for former practitioners in academia

Pracademia: Engaging in collaborative reflexivity to understand the influence of previous professional identities on academic research.

Academic colleagues in D&S are running focus groups for former practitioners currently working in academia at SHU and would like as many participants from the across The University as possible. Read on for more information form Jill, Andrew and Teri-Lisa and find a link to sign up further down the page.

What is the project about?

This study seeks to examine the implications of ‘pracademic’ identities through a process of community or collaborative reflexivity.  We are interested in understanding how lecturers’ former/current practitioner experience may shape their approaches in academia.

Why have I been asked to take part?

We are interested to hear from former practitioners who have moved into academia to become lecturers, and who currently work at SHU.

What will I be expected to do?

If you agree to take part you will be invited to attend a focus group for no more than one hour. Focus groups are being held at both city and collegiate campuses. At the focus group, you will be encouraged to discuss how your experience as a former practitioner may or may not influence your approach in academia. Examples could include approaches to teaching, academic advising, research, leadership, administrative roles, recruitment etc.

Are there any potential benefits for me?

Taking part in the focus group will provide you with an opportunity to reflect on and share your experiences with other SHU colleagues with a view to professional development. You may also benefit from engaging with colleagues from across the institution in terms of your extending your own contact network and identifying potential opportunities for collaboration.

What will you do with the data?

The focus group sessions will be recorded. The anonymised data will be utilised to inform a range of academic outputs including, but not limited to, conferences, journal articles, etc. The data will be stored and disposed of in line with current SHU policy.

Will I have the opportunity to discuss my participation?

You can contact us at any point before or after the study. You will also have the opportunity to attend a debrief session following the focus group, if required

How do I sign up for a focus group?

If you are interested in participating in a focus group, please click on the following link to sign up. If you are unable to attend any of the available sessions, please also indicate that on the form so that we can identify a more suitable time.

Any questions?

Please contact us:

Jill Dickinson 0114 225 2543

Andrew Fowler 0114 225 6537

Teri-Lisa Griffiths 0114 225 4424

Many thanks for your help in advance!

Jill, Teri-Lisa and Andrew

Department of Law & Criminology