Anti-Bribery online training module

Anti-Bribery Training

The University remains committed to tackling and preventing bribery and corruption in all its forms, both in the UK and in our work with overseas partners and agents.


Staff working in areas where they come into contact with suppliers, or are in situations that could lead to a potential risk of bribery should complete the Doing Business Without Bribery training as well as the SHU specific Anti-Bribery online module, which covers:

  • What bribery and corruption looks like to SHU
  • Potential methods of bribery and/or corruption that SHU could be subjected to
  • What can be done about it
  • How to respond if you have suspicions, and who these suspicions should be escalated to


For further guidance please read the Anti-Bribery Policy and the Gifts and Hospitality guidance.