Science Week at SHU! 12-18 March

British Science Week is a national celebration of science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM). The week provides an opportunity for teachers, professionals and the general public to produce and participate in a wide range of STEM events and activities.

From 12-18 March, SHU will be offering a programme of fun, inspiring and free events that showcase science and engineering. Science Week at Sheffield Hallam Aims to celebrate science and engineering through a diverse programme that will fascinate, entertain and engage children, young people and adults. Talks, masterclasses, events and community activity, led by experts, will be available at the University and within schools and colleges.

For further information please check out our Science Week website:

Public events include:

In conversation with Professor Robert Winston
Wednesday 14 March 2018 (6.15-8pm) – Pennine Lecture Theatre 

To book click here

Professor Winston is committed to scientific education and aims to communicate the excitement of science through his award winning BBC programmes, books and lectures. He has written over twenty popular science books.

As Professor of Science and Society at Imperial College London, Professor Winston is keen to ensure that science and scientific thinking reaches as wide an audience as possible.

It is our great pleasure to welcome our Chancellor, Professor Winston to share with us his experiences and views on STEM education and how we engage school students and develop teachers so they become inspirational role models in the future.

Explore Science and Engineering @ SHU
Saturday 17 March (Drop in anytime 12-4pm) – no need to book – Heartspace Atrium/Hertha Ayrton STEM Centre

Join us for our popular interactive family afternoon as part of Science Week @ Sheffield Hallam. Students and staff from Sheffield Hallam University will host an exhibition showcasing research in biology, chemistry, forensic science, engineering and health. There will be plenty to capture the imagination of all ages from hands-on activities to mini talks and demonstrations, crafts and competitions. Find out about the brain and conditions such as epilepsy and multiple sclerosis, how venom from animals can be used to develop therapeutic agents, the detection of ‘fake’ money with forensic science as well as all of our exciting engineering and robotics work. New for this year, throughout the day we will also be giving mini talks and demonstrations in the Pennine lecture theatre which will be fun and accessible for all ages.

Venue: Heartspace Atrium/Hertha Ayrton STEM Centre, Sheffield Hallam University, Howard Street, Sheffield, S1 1WB

More information is available on the Sheffield Hallam University Facebook page!