Meanwhile, back in the library… Comic exhibition issues 2 and 3

The library’s comic exhibition is continuing and has expanded to include displays on Adsetts level 4 and on the ground floor of the Collegiate Library. The exhibition highlights the comics held by the SHU library and explores how these can be used effectively in an academic context, as well as for enjoyment. Read on for more information from the Library on the latest in the exhibition…

The Library’s comics exhibition, Meanwhile, Back in the Library… has evolved and expanded. The exhibition celebrates and promotes the wealth of comics, cartoons, graphic novels and picture books in Sheffield Hallam’s collections, and explores how they can be used for learning, teaching, research, and enjoyment.

Our first strand was Issue 1: Using Comics in Academia, which looked at the role of comics in the academic library, and showcased some of the comics research taking place at SHU. Now the exhibition has two new strands, with accompanying information and links to back them up on the exhibition website. We’ve completely updated our display in Adsetts: for the first time, the exhibition now has a display in Collegiate. Elements of both these strands also tie in with University Mental Health Day on March 1st.

At Adsetts, Issue 2: Comics & Society examines at how comics address social attitudes and issues. This includes topics such as: memoirs about living through political turmoil or health issues; comics journalism; political caricatures and cartoons through history; censorship, moral panics and underground comics; and how the superhero genre reflects contemporary social attitudes. You can find the Adsetts display on Level 4, close to the helpdesk.

At Collegiate, Issue 3: Comics & Well-Being looks at health narratives and memoirs in comics, including mental and physical illnesses, acting as carer, and non-medical crises. You can find the Collegiate display in C001 on the ground floor of the Library, next to the Journals stack.

This won’t be it for the exhibition, which will run for the rest of the academic year: future strands of the exhibition will cover cross-overs with other media, as well as the comics that exist to support the academic subjects based at Collegiate Campus. We’re also planning a few events, so keep your eye on our website for more information when the time comes.

If you’d like to read some of our comics, or just see some of what’s available, we chosen a range for reading and borrowing next to the exhibition in Adsetts. You can find an even wider selection of comics in our collections on the exhibition reading list.