Charity events incl. SHU Fest Quiz and Race Night

Colleagues in the Facilities Directorate are holding a number of events with their charity partner, The Alzheimer’s Society. Get involved for a good cause!

  1. SHU Fest Quiz – Wednesday, 7 March (5 – 8pm) in Hallam View, Owen Building. The infamous SHU Fest quiz will test the brain power of both SHU colleagues and students with all proceeds donated to The Alzheimer’s Society. Enter a team (max 4 people) for your chance to win a magnificent prize.  Entry is £5 per person which includes bar snacks.  Book your place at along with names of your four team members.
  2. FD Charity Race Night – Friday, 6 April from 7.30pm onwards at The Pavilion, Oughtibridge. Take a chance on a horse and test your luck! Tickets are £2 each which also includes one free entry to a raffle which will be drawn on the night. To buy an entry ticket  or to buy a horse at £2.50 per race, contact Deborah Cooke on
  3. Challenge 67 – Tuesday, 20 February (11am – 1pm) – help the FD Charity team to support the 67,000 people living with dementia in our region. The Alzheimer’s Society is asking people across Sheffield to travel 67,000 miles in order to raise £67,000. To play our part, we are holding a static bike cycle in the Owen Main Entrance on Tuesday 20th February between 11am – 1pm with the aim of cycling 67 miles in those 2 hours! Come down to make a small donation and support this worthy charity.

Follow us @fdcomms on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook for updates and information about future events. We have also set up a general JustGiving page for general donations and team challenges.