Finance training including Fraud Awareness

Budget Management, Financial Control and Policies Online Refresher

The Finance Directorate now offer a refresher module for all University Budget Holders/Authorisers (who have previously attended a facilitator-led session) on budget management, financial control and policies that impacts on their role.

All budget holders/authorisers who attended the facilitator-led session pre 2015 should undertake this module to refresh their knowledge and skills.

Follow the attached instructions to access the module or contact Lorna Pettifer x4977


Financial Regulations Online Training

The aim of this e-learning module is to raise awareness of the Financial Regulations.  The content covers the essential information from the Regulations that staff need to be aware of, including the purpose of the Regulations, who and what they apply to and what staffs’ responsibilities are under them.

Follow the attached instructions to access the module or contact Lorna Pettifer x4977


Fraud Awareness Training

The aim of this session is to build awareness of fraud risks and increase people’s knowledge of SHU policies relating to fraud. To develop staff’s behaviour’s and skills to help mitigate potential fraud risks to SHU.

Follow the attached instructions to access the module or contact Lorna Pettifer x4977