AppHub is being upgraded to AppsAnywhere

Our desktop software portal, AppHub, will be upgraded on the evening of 15 September. The new service will be called AppsAnywhere, and it will offer a number of immediate benefits for users:

  • Faster validation
  • Customisable views
  • Enhanced search feature

AppsAnywhere also has a number of new features, such as the ability to locally install software and provide downloads, that we will be making more use of in the future to expand the service.

What do I need to do?

The changeover to AppsAnywhere will happen automatically and you will be redirected to the new web page. If you have applications already in your Cloudpaging Player, they will continue to work and you’ll be able to launch them either from your Player or from the new AppsAnywhere portal.

AppsAnywhere does require a small client to be installed on your workstation in order to validate and launch applications. This is being distributed to all workstations at present, so please ensure you leave your computer logged off when not in use in order to receive it.