Digitisation of theses

The library has embarked on a project to retrospectively digitise the University’s bound theses. These distinct, purple-bound volumes have now been packed up and shipped off to be scanned and made available as searchable PDFs. This will not only help to increase the reach and impact of our theses, it will also save valuable library space that can be made available for student work areas.

Once digitised, theses will be available electronically in full text from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, the British Library’s EThOS service, the SHU Library Gateway and our institutional repository SHURA. Theses will also be discoverable via search engines such as Google. Our partner in this project, ProQuest, will index digitised theses in 30 leading subject databases in a wide variety of disciplines, further enhancing discoverability.

All bound theses are currently showing as checked out in the library catalogue. If you would like to consult one of these bound theses, then we can fast track digitisation. Please contact the Helpdesk at either Adsetts or Collegiate Library or email library@shu.ac.uk. Many of our doctoral theses are already available electronically from SHURA.

If you have any questions about the project then please contact the Library Research Support team: library-research-support@shu.ac.uk.