In January, the government published its approach to addressing long-term challenges in the UK economy in its proposed Industrial Strategy Green Paper. This included proposals for a substantial increase in investment in science and innovation through the launch of an Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund (ISCF) and Institutes of Technology teaching at sub-degree level.
The Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy consulted widely on the strategy and, as part of our response, the University has published a report ‘Universities and the New Growth Economy: Sheffield Hallam University and the Industrial Strategy’ which confidently positions the University as a key partner in the delivery of the strategy’s objectives.
The report details how we are committed and well placed to work in collaboration with industry, agencies (for example those in the health sector) and other partners to help address the economic and social challenges we face as a nation.
The Industrial Strategy clearly aligns with our new University Strategy and the vision to be the world’s leading applied university. We are making preparations to benefit from anticipated government investment which would allow us to build on our existing strengths and expertise and ultimately enhance our student experience and opportunities. The Research and Innovation Office is working with faculties to develop cross-faculty ISCF proposals and progress will be overseen by the Creating Knowledge Board led by Paul Harrison, Pro-Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation.
Access our full report here. Regular updates will be available via the Creating Knowledge information hub.