Hallam are tackling the Half Marathon this weekend!

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe Sheffield Half Marathon is taking place this Sunday and over 35 Hallam staff will be running in support of the Hallam Fund. The money raised will give our
students from disadvantaged backgrounds the security and recognition to make the most of what university can offer, regardless of their personal circumstances.

Colleagues from across the University are raising money for students from care backgrounds, estranged from their families, and young carers to help improve social inclusion and ensure family breakdown does not act as a barrier to education, opportunity and success.

We must not forget that not all students come to university with the same experiences and some are unable to draw on resources from their families. You can help close the gaps in education and give all students who want to improve their lives through higher education the support they need to achieve.

At 21km, the Sheffield Half is a true endurance challenge as runners take the ‘triple test’: a timed ‘King of the Hill’ or ‘Queen of the Hill’ challenge, a 10K sprint section and the overall half marathon.

Please donate today to support your colleagues and help make a huge difference for some of our students from disadvantaged backgroundsthe team’s target is £5,000, which if achieved will provide ten student support bursaries.