The University of Sheffield, Hicks Building, 30-31 March, from 5pm
The 24 Hour Hour Inspire event is an annual event in honour and celebration of Tim Richardson, who died of cancer aged 48, who was an outstanding scientist and inspirational teacher at The University of Sheffield. When he was diagnosed, Tim set up a Charity called ‘Inspiration for Life’, and this year’s 24 Hour Inspire Event is raising funds for the Teenage Cancer Trust and Weston Park Hospital.
The event brings together speakers from the University of Sheffield and beyond, it consists of 24 hours of lectures on a diverse range of topics, each lasting 30 minutes. There is a strong scientific element to the talks, but with topics covering talks on life, the universe, and everything, there is bound to be something that sparks your interest!
The details of times, speakers and topics can be found at the Inspire Event blog. Feel free to pop in and out or stay the night! There is also an art exhibition, live music and refreshments.
Tickets on the door: £7 minimum donation for 24 hour access, £2 minimum donation for a single lecture. All proceeds go to Weston Park Hospital Cancer Charity and Teenage Cancer Trust. See you there!