Mini-REF 2017

Mini-REF, the University’s periodic research review, will be taking place during the first half of 2017.  It is an internal exercise that occurs every 18 months, to help research-active staff and research leads build towards the full REF submission, which occurs approximately every 6 years.

Mini-REF has two main purposes:

1) To allow every member of staff who has produced outputs within the census dates, to submit the one they believe to be the highest quality for review and feedback.  This is designed to be a constructive and developmental experience for individuals.

2) To give local research co-ordinators a comprehensive picture of the quality and quantity of research going on, to help inform strategic decisions and build towards the final REF submission in 2021.

Key dates and preparation for the Mini-REF

  • Census Dates – 1 January 2014 to 31 December 2016outputs published/accepted between these dates are eligible; your most accomplished one, other than that already reviewed in Mini-REF 2015, should be submitted
  • Submission Period – 3 – 31 January 2017 any outstanding outputs uploaded to SHURA and the submission webform completed
  • Reviewing – April-May 2017local reading groups review and provide feedback

To help prepare for the Mini-REF ensure that you have done the following:

  1. Upload recent outputs to SHURA
  2. Register an ORCID iD
  3. Think about a publication strategy/forward writing plan for the next 3+ years

For more information and guidance please visit the Mini-REF 2017 webpage.  The live link to the submission form will be circulated at the start of January.  If you have any questions about the Mini-REF, please direct them to