Catalyst: Festival of Creativity – call for proposals

We’re excited to announce our creative and culture festival Catalyst: Festival of Creativity, taking place Between March and November 2016.

We have a strong heritage of creative arts, design and culture, dating back to the formation of ‘Sheffield School of Design’ in 1843. Today the University has a distinct offering through the Sheffield Institute of Arts. However, much of the creative activity which engages staff and students is institution-wide, trans-disciplinary and extends beyond the boundaries of the University into the city and its communities.

Catalyst is an opportunity to celebrate the creative ambitions of all staff and students, through a series of events, performance, projects and exhibition. The festival will run concurrently with Sheffield’s ‘Year of Making’ and create opportunities to extend and promote activities as well as engage a wider external community with the University.

We welcome proposals from staff and/or students from all faculties, directorates and services which fulfil one of the following criteria:

  • Engage staff and/or students at Sheffield Hallam
  • Working in collaboration with partner organisations in Sheffield city
  • Engage or work in collaboration with Sheffield’s community

Proposals must have a Sheffield Hallam University lead. Funding is available from £500 up to a maximum of £15,000 per proposal.  The deadline for submission of applications is Monday 18 January 2016.  For further information please download the Application for Project Funding document.