Going Public: International Art Collectors in Sheffield

Tues 15 September – 6pm, Millennium Gallery, then across the city 6.30–9pm

Many great collections, Sheffield’s included, were founded upon the philanthropic bequests of private collectors. Where are the philanthropists of the future, and what role do public galleries and private collections play in bringing great art to everyone?

To kick-start a debate, Going Public: International Art Collectors in Sheffield brings together four leading European private collections for a series of world-class exhibitions across the city.

Going Public will showcase stunning highlights from dslcollection, the Cattelain Collection, the Marzona Collection and the Sandretto Re Rebaudengo Collection. Visitors will discover work by internationally renowned artists, including Jake & Dinos Chapman, Marcel Duchamp, Man Ray, Cao Fei, Anthony McCall, Fiona Tan, Sol LeWitt, Yang Jiechang and more.

RSVP to rsvp@museums-sheffield.org.uk / 0114 278 2664.  Please feel free to bring up to 4 guests.

Visit Museums Sheffield for more information.