A Cultural Legacy, Remembering Frank Constantine

Museums Sheffield invites you to the launch of: A Cultural Legacy, Remembering Frank Constantine & Steel City, City on the Move

Tuesday 30 June, 6-9pm at the Millennium Gallery & Graves Gallery

Frank Constantine was Director of Sheffield City Art Galleries from 1964–1982 and made a huge contribution to the cultural life of the city. In memory of Frank, who died last year, A Cultural Legacy, Remembering Frank Constantine celebrates his inspirational and hugely varied collecting.

Sheffield and its twin city, Pittsburgh, USA, have both been indelibly shaped by the steel-making industry. In the ‘Steel City, City on the Move’ exhibition, artist Jo Peel explores the parallels between these cities through an immersive kaleidoscope of paintings, prints, drawings, mural and film.

Join us at the Graves Gallery & Millennium Gallery as we celebrate the launch of these two exhibitions.

RSVP to Amy Farry: amy.farry@museums-sheffield.org.uk or call 0114 278 2664