Use of Social Media in LTA at SHU Events

Following the success of the first Social Media in LTA event in January, we are putting on two further events.

These identical events will run one after the other on the morning of Thursday 1 May in Hallam Hall at City campus, and will both showcase ten examples of how colleagues and students are using social media for learning.

You will be able to focus on the things that interest you most, ask questions to help you formulate your own ideas, or just find out more about what’s possible.

Examples of practice will include: student use of LinkedIn for professional networking; Pinterest for curating content; Facebook and Twitter for cultivating pedagogic support networks outside of the classroom; as journalistic tools, and for enhancing course identity. See the programme for more information. There will also be resources and guidance for those starting out.

Refreshments are provided. To book a place and find out more Visit the event website, or contact Helen for further details.