Recycle and do the right thing

We are continually aiming to improve our environmental performance at Sheffield Hallam and managing waste is a big part of this. Did you know that removing our general waste is double the cost of removing recycled items? Reducing, reusing and recycling waste is therefore both environmentally and financially sustainable.

We are making it even easier for our staff, students and visitors to recycle on campus through our ‘Do the right thing’ campaign. We want to encourage everyone to recycle or reuse as much as possible so from Monday we will always be positioning the recycling bin on the right and providing tools to support this which include; bin stickers, posters, a recycling guide and messages on electronic screens which use the internationally recognised recycling symbols you will see outside the organisation.  As a reminder:

What you can recycle at the University We are currently unable to recycle
empty coffee cups
plastic bottles
paper and cardboard
drink cans
milk bottles
unbroken glass
food tins
tin foil
hard plastics
cling film
plastic bags
food waste
plastic food wrappers 


Look out for the “Recycle and do the right thing” materials in your area or speak to your green champion.  A campaign toolkit is available on the staff intranet at: and a recycling guide gives more in depth advice about what you can and can’t recycle.