Student Rep Conference 2014: Champion the Hallam Student Voice

Friday 28 February, 9.30am – 4.15pm , Sheffield Hallam Students’ Union, The HUBS

We would like to invite staff to attend our 2nd annual student rep conference, where course reps will be networking, learning how to get more out of their role and engaging with University staff. Staff are welcome to attend any or all of the day, although there are two workshops specifically aimed at staff:

Working with Student Representatives (11.15am – 12.05pm) – Universities are increasingly concerned with student voice and working in partnership with students. How does this work in practice? This practical workshop will help you develop your understanding of the student rep system at SHU, share ideas about working with student reps and address some of the challenges of working together with students.

The Other Side (3pm – 3.50pm) – Students and University staff interact with each other every day, but how much do you know about each other’s viewpoints and experiences? This workshop is a chance for you to see things from the other side, learn more about each other’s perspectives and to think about how students and staff might work together to improve learning and teaching at SHU.

More information is available at:

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