Executive Group drop-in – 11 February

A University Executive Group all-staff drop in session will take place at the Collegiate Campus on 11 February. This follows the first session at City Campus in November 2013, which was attended by over fifty staff. The sessions are an opportunity to speak with Executive members about topics and issues you are interested in.

The drop in will be held between 1.30-3.00pm in the Main Building at the Collegiate Campus. The drop-in provides an opportunity to engage in small group discussions with members of the Executive Group and other colleagues and to pose questions, contribute comments and share ideas.

The Executive Group will be represented by the following members:

  • Karen Bryan (Pro Vice-Chancellor Dean, The Faculty of Health and Wellbeing)
  • Phill Dixon (Director of Human Resources)
  • Paul Harrison (Pro Vice-Chancellor for Research and Innovation)

A number of changes to the format employed in November have been made to improve the experience. These include extending the length of the session, establishing set arrival times and encouraging staff to register their interest in advance. Further details about the event, including registration and venue details can be found at the following  intranet page: Executive Group drop-in.

Staff not registering will still be welcome to drop-in at any of the three set arrival times of; 1.30pm, 2.00pm and 2.30pm.