Homemade crafts and baking sale

The Secretary and Registrar’s Directorate is hosting a Jam and Jerusalem homemade crafts and baking sale on Friday 13 December from 10.30am to 3pm in Room 11005 at the Oneleven Building

SRD’s Fundraising Group will be selling homemade treats like cards, cakes, jams, pickles, crafts and much more. There will also be a raffle for a Christmas hamper.

Staff can support the fundraising efforts by doing one or more of the following:

Put the date in your diary and remember to bring some extra cash on the day.

Bake or make for the sale – last year our homemade cards, cakes, Christmas decorations, jams, pickles and crafts went down a storm (particularly the cakes!).  If you are able to bring something to sell (homemade or bought), please let the Business Support Team (email ! SRD Business Support Team) know what you are bringing along asap so we can plan the table layouts and price cards.  Please deliver your contributions to the team (based on Floor 2, Oneleven Building) by 2pm on Thursday 12 December.  However, homemade cakes can be delivered directly to 11005 by 9.30am on the morning of the event.

If you’re not the creative type, you can still make a donation to our raffle prize.  For the Christmas hamper we hope to include items such as a bottle of wine, Christmas pudding, bags of nuts, box of crackers etc.  Again, please leave your donation with the Business Support Team by 2pm on Thursday 12 December.

Volunteer to be on the stall for an hour on the day.

All proceeds will be split between SRD’s three charitable causes.