Children’s circus entertainers – discount

Blooming Circus is offering circus and magic parties for children aged 4 and upwards with a £30 discount to all staff and associates.  Quote SHU on the order form or by email/phone.

  • A circus and magic show followed by teaching skills to the children. Juggling, magic and balloon models
  • Parents can relax while a skilled performer captivates the children with eye-popping skills, laughter and excitement
  • The adults will find themselves joining in the fun too
  • Every child feels special and will be talking about the party for weeks
  • A prize is always included for the birthday child

Many years of experience and an enthusiasm and passion about delivering joy and laughter that is second to none.

Blooming Circus is regularly hired by hundreds of schools for shows and circus days every year and can produce an inexhaustible list of testimonials and reviews from happy parents and teachers.

Friendly and helpful service and long lasting memories at a great price.
Enhanced CRB checked and fully insured.
Also available for family events, school fetes and scouting activities.