Continuing Professional Development events

Peer mentoring workshop – With Grace Barker, Mentoring Co-ordinator at Newcastle University

Wednesday 9 October, 12.00 – 13.30, Harmer 2230

Transition Peer Mentoring for incoming students is becoming an increasingly popular way to extend student support structures for first year students. Mentoring is both an important student engagement strategy and a cost effective way to reach all student year groups. Grace will look at the evidence to support this and share experiences at Newcastle University as they embedded this as a support structure for all first year students. For more details visit our interactive site

HEA Fellowship webinar 1: dimensions of practice

Wednesday 9 October, 12.15 – 12.30

Are you wrestling with your FHEA application? Need a reminder of the terminology? Join us for the first in our series of webinars which addresses the UK Professional Standards Framework within your HEA fellowship application. For more details visit our interactive site

HEA Senior Fellowship Writing Retreat

Thursday 10 October, 9.00 – 17.00, Oneleven 11004

Writing your application for recognition as a Senior Fellow of the HEA? Drop in to Oneleven 11004 for a morning, an afternoon or stay all day. Guidance and support will be provided by Dr Sally Bradley, SHU’s Professional Recognition Adviser. For more details visit our interactive site

Enhancing the degree attainment of BME students in HE – With Dr Jacqueline Stevenson, Leeds Metropolitan University

Thursday 17 October, 13.00 – 15.00, Sheffield Hallam Union of Students Pod B

There is a significant gap in degree attainment between BME and White students in UK HE. In this seminar Dr Stevenson will highlight research from three different research projects exploring a range of possible selves and how findings can inform practice. Places are limited, so please book via or email