Students needed for SHU marketing campaign

Published 3 July

Sheffield Hallam is recruiting students to be part of the Tomorrow’s You marketing and recruitment campaign and to be the face of the University during 2013/14.

Teaching staff in touch with students are urged to share this information:

Interested students must be willing to have their picture in marketing materials, film video clips for the University website and participate in various different events throughout the year. 

We are looking for students with an interesting and positive story to tell about their time at Sheffield Hallam. For example, they may be from a low participation background, be heavily involved in a club or society,  have undertaken a placement opportunity, have an interesting academic story or have benefited from the support networks available on campus. 

The advert is now out with the Careers and Employment team, so if you have any students who you think may be interested and appropriate for the campaign, please direct them to shuspace where they can sign up.

shuspace > Employability tab > Campus Jobs 

We are looking for students on all courses – undergraduate, postgraduate and part time. This is also a paid opportunity and the closing date for applications is 16 July.

We appreciate that many students are currently away for the summer, however the campaign will start in September and we would like successful candidates to have completed photoshoots and filming over the summer ready for the start of the campaign.  Expenses to and from Sheffield for this will be covered. 

If you have any questions about this, please contact Richelle Quinn (Marketing) or Lindsey White (PeS).