Engaging students – workshop 9 July

3 July

Engaging Students Through a Partnership Model

Colin Bryson and Ruth Furlonger, Combined Honours Centre, Newcastle University

Tuesday 9 July 1.30-3.00pm, Stoddart 7505

After ten years of experience of researching on student engagement and trying to put it into practice, the approach of the teacher letting go and working in partnership with students offers the most fruitful way forward. We shall discuss evidence and ideas about what is most likely to engage most students (as they are diverse) and also draw on work and practice at Newcastle where we have introduced the approach of a holistic model of student engagement – which has now very much evolved into partnership and co-determination of the educational agenda and all things around the student experience. There are challenges and we will be candid about these! Please let Jackie Cawkwell know if you would like to attend by emailing j.cawkwell@shu.ac.uk.