Wanted: participants for research study

19 June

Alice Bullas, a graduate intern at the Centre for Sports Engineering Research, is appealing for more participants for her research study, especially women. 

The primary focus of her study is to determine the effectiveness of three different peripheral electrical stimulation methods in priming the brain to learn. Such methods could be used in rehabilitation sessions for stroke victims, or those learning a new skill. 

The research involves volunteers receiving three different stimulation patterns to one forearm, over three sessions (one two-and-a-half hour session and two two-hour sessions) preferably a week apart, at the same time of day. All of it is pain free.

All testing will take place throughout June and July and during afternoons with two slots per day: 1:30pm to 4pm and 4:30pm to 7pm.

Find out more about the study in the participant information booklet

If you are interested in participating, please complete the screening form and return it to Alice as soon as possible. Additionally, if you know of anyone who may be willing to participate, please feel free to forward on this information. 

If you have any queries, comments or questions, please do not hesitate to get in contact: a.bullas@shu.ac.uk or  07536 044310.