Sustainable Cities events – 27 June

19 June

Sustainable Cities and community successes 

Transition Sheffield is hosting an afternoon workshop and evening event with Rob Hopkins on 27 June. Rob is a co-founder of the Transition Movement and a winner of various awards and plaudits as a leading grassroots campaigner, ‘green community hero’ and a ‘new radical’. 

Sustainable Cities workshop
1:30pm-4pm, Sheffield Cathedral, Domino Hall. Free entry (donations welcome).

A participation-based workshop on aspects of sustainability that are increasingly important for Sheffield and other cities. Help to identify actions so that Sheffield can change and thrive in a time of climate change and austerity.

An evening with Rob Hopkins
7pm-9 pm Quaker Meeting House, Sheffield S1 2EW, £5/£3

Rob will use examples from “The Power of Just Doing Stuff“, the latest Transition book, to describe ways that community Transition initiatives are creating more sustainable realities. Come and be inspired.
See more info, and sign up for a place via our online booking form.