Wanted: sponsors and runners

5 June

Next month, Lisa Kirkup (Student Administration) and Victoria Sekubomba (Academic Timetabling) will be taking part in the Manchester Color Run™ to raise money for Stand Up For Cancer™. 

The Color Run™, also known as the Happiest 5k on the Planet, is a unique colour race that celebrates healthiness, happiness, individuality, and giving back to the community. The Color Run™ is a five-kilometre, un-timed race in which thousands of participants are doused from head to toe in different colours at each kilometre. 

You can find out more about the event or even sign up to take part at: http://www.thecolorrun.co.uk/Manchester#race-info.

You can sponsor Lisa and Victoria at: http://www.justgiving.com/Lisa-K-Color-Running.