Cantor IT and AV refresh

5 June

This summer, IS&T will be upgrading the AV and IT equipment in the Cantor building. AV will be updated and improved in the teaching rooms so it is all of a minimum HD standard of projection and to meet the specific needs of the subject areas using the rooms. In addition, all the IT labs, which have not been replaced in the last two years, will get new PCs. All of these PCs, including those in the non-specialist labs, will be of high specification to allow greater flexibility in what software can be deployed into which room.

The schedule of work is now available from the links below:

Cantor AV Schedule

Cantor PC Lab Schedule

Please note that during the times indicated on the spreadsheet, the rooms will be unavailable to staff and students. This has been agreed with colleagues in the relevant subject areas to minimise disruption. IS&T apologises for any inconvenience this essential work may cause.