
The Wipro STEM Teacher Fellows and Teacher Mentor programme, managed by Sheffield Institute of Education, draws on our understanding and experience of the development, delivery and evaluation of high-quality professional learning in the STEM subjects.

Our aims are to improve educational outcomes, with a particular focus on the outcomes of children from diverse communities and disadvantaged backgrounds, by increasing the knowledge, skills and capabilities of teachers in the early stages of teaching their subject.

To achieve this we are supporting teachers to develop their practice in an innovative, evidence-based, collaborative programme of professional learning [1], in order to improve their confidence, motivation and capability as educators [2].  In turn, students of these teachers will be more engaged in learning, achieve improved outcomes and have a greater understanding of careers in the STEM sectors [3]. The focus is on building and strengthening each individual Fellow’s understanding of their subject and how it should be taught, through evidence-based collaborative workshops, individualised enquiry and long-term mentoring.

We have taken our time in gather evidence of what works through an embedded formative evaluation. So far three cohorts of the Fellows have completed the programme, supported by experienced and new mentors. On completion of the programme, Fellows will be eligible to become Mentors for future cohorts, continue to enquire into their practice and share their learning across our community.

[1] Desimone, L. M. (2009). Improving impact studies of teachers’ professional development: Toward better conceptualizations and measures. Educational Researcher, 38: 181–199.

[2] Coldwell, M. (2017). Exploring the influence of professional development on teacher careers: developing a path model approach. Teaching and teacher education, 61, 189-198.

[3] Cordingley. P. et al (2015). Developing Great Teaching: Lessons from the international reviews into effective professional development. Teacher Development Trust. 2015.

For more information or to express an interest in joining the programme, get in touch by email at, by phone on 0114 2256060 or via X @teacherfellow.

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