Getting started

We’re looking forward to getting started with the Wipro programme in a few days.  We have over twenty teachers – fellows and mentors – joining the first cohort from schools in Sheffield, Rotherham, Doncaster and Derbyshire, who teach science, mathematics and computer science.
The project team has been super-busy planning all the sessions, Alison has been sharing the aims and intentions of the programme with schools across the region, Jo is working on the evaluation plan and data collection, Linda has been supporting with booking rooms and catering.  We can’t wait to get started!  The programme is looking fantastic, built around our principles of collaboration, innovation, enquiry and trust, and drawing in expertise from the team working alongside partners from schools and other colleagues.  To learn more about the programme and the programme team, have a look around this site and follow us on Twitter @teacherfellow.  As a small example of our other work on teacher professional development, I just wrote an article for the Royal Society of Chemistry about characteristics of effective professional development: what they tell us – and what they don’t – about professional learning. You can find it here.
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