Clearing 2016 – three ways we used social media to make a difference

A-level results day. It can be an incredibly stressful time for students and, depending on what happens, it might involve them changing their study plans very quickly.
At Hallam, hundreds of members of staff (and student ambassadors) from across the University worked tirelessly to help those people, recruiting new students to the University through the clearing and confirmation process. Like previous years, Clearing 2016 was a huge team effort, bringing staff from every department together.
Our social media presence has grown significantly over the last few years, and the way we use it during clearing and confirmation has changed. This year, we wanted to do a few things differently.
Firstly, we wanted to tell our clearing story: the range of people involved, the excitement on the day, and our enthusiasm for changing people’s lives.
We also wanted to reply to everyone who took the time to message us about how excited they were to come and study here. No, really. Everyone. Engagement with our new fans and followers was really important, and we wanted to get it right.
Lastly, we wanted to use the technology to add real value to the clearing process at Hallam.
This is how we did it.
Telling our story
Our promotional content focused – as it often does – on our students. We found four students who came to us through clearing, and we created visual content based on their experiences.
Ben joined us through #Clearing. His advice is "Don't panic, get on the phone." You can message us on Facebook, too.
— Sheffield Hallam Uni (@sheffhallamuni) August 18, 2016
Because we wanted to reach new audiences, we did a lot of advertising on Facebook and Instagram with our student stories. We also did some organic posts with them.
This organic post reached over 13,000 people, had over 4,500 video views and got a bit of engagement, with over 150 likes, comments and shares. Our paid-for posts obviously reached many more people – people who fit our target demographics and who didn’t already like our Facebook page.
We knew activity on Twitter would peak between 7am and 2pm, based on previous years. We’d get questions, in the form of @s and DMs, and we’d get notifications from people happy they’d secured a place at Hallam.
So we assigned a team member to each stream on Twitter: we had someone looking after notifications, one person looking after DMs, and someone else ready to post relevant, interesting and useful content to our timeline. The system worked well, and it meant we replied to every message.
@emmaatammaroo The countdown to becoming part of #TeamHallam starts now Emma-Louise! What will you be studying?
— Sheffield Hallam Uni (@sheffhallamuni) August 18, 2016
@lucehindle Yay! Congratulations! What are you going to be studying Luce?
— Sheffield Hallam Uni (@sheffhallamuni) August 18, 2016
@gingerbxscuit Coming to Hallam will be a dream – promise!
— Sheffield Hallam Uni (@sheffhallamuni) August 18, 2016
In total, we sent 190 tweets during Clearing, and 35 DMs. We received 353 mentions, and our tweeting behaviour over the key two days of Clearing was 92 per cent conversations and 8 per cent updates. 72 per cent of our tweets were with new contacts, and 28 per cent were with existing contacts.
To increase engagement further, we set up a Facebook Live broadcast from the clearing suite, featuring one of our ‘faces of clearing’, Ben. This live video reached over 14,000 of our fans, and got shared nearly 30 times.
We used the live stream to answer questions, show the buzz in the clearing suite, and humanise our operation. We did something similar with our Instagram and Snapchat stories, which even featured a surprise appearance from the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Chris Husbands.
Adding value
Our biggest change this year was to open up the application process through Facebook’s Messenger service. On results day, people could begin the application process by sending a direct message to our Facebook page.
Once they’d done so, one of our dedicated Facebook triage team would ask for their qualifications and other details needed to create an application. Or, if they didn’t meet our requirements, they’d sensitively let them know.
It was exactly the same process and conversation that new applicants would experience if they called our clearing hotline and spoke to an adviser. But on a social media platform.
We used Facebook’s functions to enhance and manage the process. We used saved replies for parts of the conversation, and we tracked conversations with the labelling function. We also added a note to each conversation, identifying the status of the application – either ‘application created’, ‘didn’t meet requirements’ or ‘other’.
In total, we put around 20 applicants forward through this process, knowing that if just one of them converted, it would be worth our time and effort.
Overall, this was our biggest social media operation yet, involving two separate teams: one dedicated to engagement and publishing, and one dedicated to facilitating the application process. A whole range of Hallam people took part in our social story-telling: from students to the VC.
As a result our content across social platforms was genuine, engaging – and it was about people.
Joe Field, social media manager
We've taken thousands of #Clearing calls today! We're open til 7pm & from 7am tomorrow. The #hotline is 0330 0246390
— Sheffield Hallam Uni (@sheffhallamuni) August 18, 2016