Teaching and learning

Teaching and learning

You and your students can use social media for academic purposes. Social media can enhance learning and teaching, and it enables effective approaches to supporting learner engagement. You’re encouraged to safely explore and develop ways in which social media and social networks can be used to enrich our formal and informal academic practices.

Social media at Sheffield Hallam is an important learning space. It allows students and staff to:

  • establish informal and formal learning networks
  • research and contribute to current knowledge in our disciplines and courses
  • make strong connections with external professional networks which can enrich courses and foster lifelong opportunities
  • develop good professional practices, digital capabilities and confidence
  • develop and maintain professional profiles

Remember that social networks are often open and public. Consider the risks to privacy, and let students know about the privacy of the information they share. Ideally they should have a choice, or be consulted about it.


Further reading: Social Media in Learning and Teaching for Staff [Sheffield Hallam University], How and Why Academics Should Engage With Social Media [Pickle Jar Communications], Student guide to using social media [Sheffield Hallam University]

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