

There are loads of social media platforms to choose from. By now, you’ll hopefully have a really clear idea of the one that’s right for you and your audience.

Whichever it is, familiarise yourself with it. Dig around, watch what other people are doing with it, look for the FAQs and how-to sections (usually found via the platform’s ‘help’ button) and speak to colleagues about it. Buffer has some really helpful resources to help you get a feel for each social media platform.

When you set up your account, make it really clear what it’s for. That planning you did earlier pays off now: your clearly-defined purpose outlines why your target audience should follow you. Put it in the bio.

Your username should also represent who you are. If you’re a person, be that person. If you’re a team, call your account the name of the team. If it’s a community, or group of people, make the username about that community.

But remember that, in general, people like to hear from other people. Acronyms and logos can be scary, faceless, or boring. It’s better to be human.

What’s your profile photo? If your profile or cover photos don’t feature the people you’re talking about in the bio, it’s probably not the best representation. Ask someone to take a photo of you, and keep it natural and informal.

There’s a handy spreadsheet of image sizes for some social media platforms here.

Do you have a website where all of your content lives? Include it. How about offline contact details? They can be useful too.

Some final tips on your social media bio:

  • be authentic
  • be human
  • be clear on what you’re here for

Want more? Digital marketing expert Neil Patel has some great tips on Twitter profiles on the Buffer blog. Social media trainer Lucy Hall has some good advice for business profiles on her blog.

Next: measurement and evaluation