vWorkspace will allow users to access Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Servers), Virtual Desktops and individual applications from a number of different devices via a client, web page or ‘application’ from the mobile application store, such as Google Play for Android and the Apple App Store for IOS devices.
Accessing vWorkspace from a Managed Desktop workstation
The vast majority of Managed Desktop workstations have the vWorkspace AppPortal installed and available on the Start Menu, in the Tools and Accessories folder.
Access is also available using the ‘Web Connector’ from http://myapps.shu.ac.uk
If using the Web Connector then the preferences should be set by following these instructions…
Accessing vWorkspace from personal devices
Personal devices will need the vWorkspace connector installing and configuring by the user.
Microsoft Windows Operating System on a PC
It is recommended that Windows users use the ‘Windows Web Connector’ for connecting to vWorkspace. This will automatically configure the connector to connect to the SHU vWorkspace service and will allow access to the vWorkspace resources from a web browser.
To install the ‘Windows Web Connector’ follow these instructions…
Once the connector is installed and the workstation has restarted it is recommended that the user logs in and sets the connector preferences to enhance the experience.
- Screenshots of the Web Connector when installed and configured correctly.
Apple Mac OS X
It is recommended that Mac OS X users use the ‘Mac OS X Web Access Connector’ for connecting to vWorkspace. This will automatically configure the connector to connect to the SHU vWorkspace service and will allow access to the vWorkspace resources from a web browser.
To install and configure the ‘Mac OS X Web Access Connector’ follow these instructions…
Apple IOS
Apple iPad and iPhone devices will need to:
- Install the vWorkspace application from the Apple App Store
- Open application and select ‘Automatically Configure…’. In the server name box type ‘myapps.shu.ac.uk/ipad.xml’
- Select ‘Configure’ in the top right of the screen
- You should be presented with a screen saying that ‘1 farm’ has been created. Select ok.
- Select the ‘My Apps @ SHU’ farm
- Enter you SHU username, password and a Domain of SHU. We would strongly recommend not selecting the ‘Save Credentials’ option on this page.
- Select ‘Connect’ in the top right of the screen to access vWorkspace
- Screenshots of the IOS Connector when installed and configured correctly.
vWorkspace on IOS will support a bluetooth keyboard, but not a mouse.
Android OS
Android devices will need to:
- Download the vWorkspace app from the ‘Play Store’ and open
- Select ‘Add vWorkspace Farm’ then select Download configuration file
- Select https then type:
- url: myapps.shu.ac.uk
- File: android.xml
- Select ok
- Then enter username, password and domain ‘SHU’ then select connect
- Screenshots of the Android Connector when installed and configured correctly.
It is possible to connect a bluetooth keyboard and mouse to Android that will then work with vWorkspace, so allowing the device to be used just for the display.
Once the peripherals are attached to the device the mouse will work immediately, but a setting needs enabling within vWorkspace in order to accept input from the keyboard. To configure this setting:
- Select vWorkspace icon in top left of screen
- Select arrow next to ‘vWorkspace Farm’
- Scroll down settings to get to ‘Keyboard Settings’ and select arrow
- Enable the ‘Advanced Input’; option and save settings
Mobile Device Security
Enabling the ‘Save Credentials’ option when connecting to vWorkspace
If the user credentials are saved for the vWorkspace connector then vWorkspace will automatically login to vWorkspace, and any user using that device will then be able to automatically login to the SHU account that has been saved via any application or desktop available within vWorkspace, such as the Staff Remote Desktop which would give the user using the device access to the SHU file store and email of the user who’s account was saved.
Advice regarding Personal device security
The University has produced guidance on using personal devices to access SHU resources and storing documents on personal devices.
These guidelines are here:
Devices not currently supported by vWorkspace
At present some devices are not able to access vWorkspace due to there not being a vWorkspace connector available for the device. These devices include:
- Chromebooks
- Blackberrys
- Windows 8 Surface