MD2012 workstation Patch 08 being distributed to MD7 workstations

After successful testing with the various test groups we have released MD2012 workstation Patch 08, which is the fourth patch for MD2012.
This is the first patch in a series of three for updating MD2012 workstations to MD2013.

This update has been successfully tested with the UAT Phase 02 and 03 workstations and the update will be applied to the workstation at any time it is on, whether at the ctrl+alt+del screen or with a user logged in.

The update is being distributed in a phased roll out so it will take a few days to be applied to all MD2012 workstations, starting with the remaining MD2012 Lab machines to try and ensure all Lab machines are MD2013 before teaching commences.

Obviously this patch will not be applied to any machine that is using the MD2013 image that was released in July.

Patch-08 includes the following:

  • Copy updated PRF files to C:\SHU\Settings\Office2010\PRF to use as contact server
  • Create C:\SHU\Images folder
  • Copy LeftUSB.ps1 to C:\SHU\Scripts
  • Copy LeftUSB.jpg to C:\SHU\Images
  • Add Registry entry to stop IE10 form showing in Windows Update
  • Set _PATCH environment variable to ‘8’

To test if Patch 8 has installed, _PATCH will be 8