Updated MD7 x64 and x86 images

IS&T have updated the MD7 64-bit and 32-bit images with the latest patches, software and updated the drivers for a number of new machines we have purchased since the last image was released.

The updates include all the actions included in workstation Patches 05 and 06.

For Patch-05 see https://blogs.shu.ac.uk/infrastructure/2012/11/05/md7-patch-05-being-distributed-to-md2012-workstations/

Patch 06 hasn’t been released yet, but when it is it will include a lot of updates that have already been released via SCCM, including:·

  • Copy Student Loan Laptop Power settings file to C:\SHU\Powersettings and import
  • Installed Hotfixes – KB2524478, KB25106356, KB2523887, KB2561708, KB2582112
  • ·         Apply reg settings in WebClient.reg to resolve issue in http://support.microsoft.com/kb/943280 for shu.ac.uk to allow files to open correctly
  • Installed Novell Client Login Extension for Password reset (if not already installed)
  •  Updated MIME Types within HKey_Classes_Root

The image also includes User Patch 04 and Chrome 23.


The drivers for new machines include drivers for HP EliteBook 2570p, HP ProBook 6570b, RM Desktop 320 and the Asus EeeBox PC 1033.

IS&T have also updated the drivers for the standard network cards and NVidia video cards to the latest released versions.