MD7 2011 workstation Patch 03 being distributed

After successful testing initially within Networks and Infrastructure and then on the designated test workstations within the SLS Service Groups and with no issues reported we have started rolling out Patch-03 to all MD7 2011 workstations.

This update will be applied to the workstation whether or not there is a user logged in.

Patch-03 is the second patch of three that will update MD2011 workstations to MD2012, and includes the following:

  • Enable hibernation mode for Office laptops, if there is enough free disk space for the required hiberfil.sys file
  • Add registry entry required to address problems opening CHM Help files from Network
  • Install CDBurner XP for Windows 7 if not already installed
  • Associate .tab with Excel so exports from SI open automatically
  • Install Microsoft update
  • Reg settings to stop Windows Explorer locking files when using the Preview Pane