Transferring Outlook signatures between MD7 workstations

Outlook signatures are stored as individual files within your Windows 7 local profile, so do not transfer between workstations.

It is now possible to transfer your Outlook signatures between MD7 workstations by using the ‘MD Help’ application that is available on the MD7 Start Menu.

To transfer your signature:

  1. On a machine with the signatures you wish to use elsewhere, Open MD Help
  2. Select the ‘Self Service Tasks’
  3. Select the ‘Back Up Outlook Signatures’
  4. On the machine where you wish to use the new signature, select ‘Restore Outlook Signatures’

The Backup function creates a copy in your Homespace so you can restore you signatures to any MD7 workstation you wish as often as required.

Please note that selecting the Backup option will overwrite any existing backup file in Homespace with the signatures on the workstation so please only do this if you wish to update your backed up signatures for use elsewhere.