MD2015 64-bit available to SHU

The 2014/15 64-bit Windows 7 Managed Desktop has been released to the University.

MD2015 includes the following updates from the MD2014 image:

  • Microsoft OS Security updates
  • .NET Framework .4.5.2
  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Re-distributable Setup for x86
  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Redistributable Setup for x64
  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Update 4 Re-distributable Setup for x86
  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Update 4 Re-distributable Setup for x64
  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Re-distributable Setup for x86
  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Re-distributable Setup for x64
  • Microsoft Visual C++ Re-distributable Security Updates
  • RDP 8.1
  • Scheduled Task to update the menus at night on workstations left logged in
  • Scheduled Task to update the icons at night on workstations left logged in
  • Symantic Enterprise Vault Outlook Add-In 11.0.1
  • Apple QuickTime 7.7.6
  • Updated default File Associations and MIME types
  • Copied Audio & ScrnRes Powershell files to C:\SHU\Scripts
  • 12noon Display Changer 2
  • Application Jukebox Player 8.8.1
  • Adobe Reader Document Cloud
  • Extended Asian Language font pack  for Adobe Acrobat Reader DC
  • FileOpen Client B958
  • Cisco Jabber
  • Google Chrome 43.0.2357.124
  • Adobe Flash Player
  • Adobe Shockwave Player
  • Java 1.8 Update 45 x86 JRE
  • Java 1.8 Update 45 x64 JRE
  • _MENUVER to MD2015
  • _PATCH to 30
  • _VERSION to MD2015

Java 1.8

The major software update for 2015/16 is Java 1.8. There are known issues with E5 and CORE that Corporate Systems are investigating.

Foreign Languages

It has been decided that by default machines imaged with the MD2015 image will not have additional keyboards and languages available in the language bar that resides in the system tray.

Instead, users will be able to select any additional languages and keyboards from a folder on the start menu.

This will allow a greater variety of languages and keyboards to be available and can be updated as required.

We intend to investigate if it will be possible to use UE-V to transfer users preferences between sessions.

Software available with MD2015

For information regarding all the software included with MD2015 see: