Settings to help speed up startup and login times applied to all MD7 workstations

Following successful wide scale testing, the settings to improve startup and login times as described in this article have now been distributed to all MD7 workstations, with one slight alteration in that user profiles on Lab workstations are now deleted after 8 days rather than 5.
This has been done so that users who use the same machine for a weekly lecture will retain their profile for each session, so get a faster login.

As also previously mentioned, another major alteration that we did lately was re-do the startup and loginscripts to remove a lot of unnecessary actions due to the move from SAMBA and Novell file store to just Windows File store.

The move of the file store to Windows is one of the major reasons why the improvements can now be made to both login scripts and settings as Windows 7 is built to use Windows file store. Homespace is now mapped by the AD during login to the Windows file store rather than using scripts to either Novell of SAMBA and so the desktop can be set to display quicker if a profile already exists.

Also, as part of the move to Windows file store all drive mappings have been simplified as before users mapped lots of different drives to various locations, and each one involved a check to see if the user was a member of an AD group or not. All these check have now been removed as users just use N: and Q: for shared data.