Receiving updates from the N&I Blog as an RSS Feed within Outlook

Subscribing to the N&I Blog RSS Feed

It is possible for users to subscribe so that they will automatically receive updates from the N&I Blog as an email with Outlook each time a new post is added to the Blog.

To subscribe to this service:

  1. Open ‘MD Help’ from the root of the Start Menu on a Managed Desktop workstation
  2. Select the ‘Self Service Tasks’ tab
  3. Select the button ‘Subscribe to NI RSS Feed’

Once done you will need to re-login to start receiving the news items from the N&I Blog.

Viewing new items in Outlook

Once setup, within Outlook there will be an ‘RSS Feeds’ folder which will contain another folder called ‘IS&T Networks and Infrastructure’. All new items will appear within here as an email item.