MD2012 updates for staff laptop users

In order to try and improve the usability and experience for staff laptop users, the MD2012 desktop has had a number of updates and improvements in order to improve the user experience, especially when working away from the University.

These improvements include:

  • Cached Exchange Mode
  • Hibernation mode for power saving settings
  • IPSec VPN client, that will map user drive mappings when connected
  • Skype and Video camera software for laptops that are part of SLS Loan Laptop service
  • Privilege Guard so that users have elevated rights to install and configure applications, printers and networks
Some of these updates will apply to MD2011 laptops as well, but not all.


Cached Exchange Mode
Cached Exchange Mode will cache the user’s mailbox to the workstation so that emails and calendar appointments will be visible whilst away from the University. Users can read, create and send new emails whilst offline, then when connected to the internet the mailbox will sync new and existing emails with the SHU Exchange Server, whilst sending any emails in the Outbox.
Note: Users of the new Exchange 2010 service will currently need to use the VPN for the sync’ing to occur whilst away from the University


Hibernation Mode
In order to conserve energy whilst improving the usability of laptops, MD2012 laptops can enter hibernation mode, which effectively saves the contents of memory to a file and then switches the workstation off. This will save battery power and allows users to restore the laptop to the previous state quickly.


The IPSec client will allow more concurrent connections to the SHU VPN service.
As part of the connection process, users will have the same drive mappings as when in the University, so will have access to Homespace, Shared drives etc.


Privilege Guard
Privilege Guard is a service to allow users to have elevated rights to install applications, install printers and configure wireless networks as required.


Future Enhancements
Networks and Infrastructure intend to implement Window file store shortly and then move users existing Homespace and Shared folders to this file store.
When this occurs laptop users will have Offline files enabled, which will automatically sync certain directories within Homespace with their laptop, allowing access to the files stored in these directories whilst not connected to a network.
The directories that will be sync’d include ‘My Documents’ and ‘IE Favorites’.
Any updates to files within these directories will be sync’d on re-connection to the SHU network.