MD Info application available on the MD7 menus

In order to help users and IT Help staff diagnose issues with a workstation or user code, IS&T have made available an application that will analyse the workstation and user code in order to provide important information for support staff, as well as providing users with some self service tasks to resolve common problems.

The information can be emailed directly to IT Help if requested, where it will be entered as a new Unidesk call.

Menu Shortcut

The ‘MD Info’ menu shortcut is available at the root of the workstation menus on all MD7 workstations.

Future Development

We expect the application to have quite a lot of development of the next few months as new features are added and any issues are rectified. Suggestions for new features would be welcomed. Please let IT Help know of any ideas.

At some point the application files will be installed on the workstation so that they will be available for laptop users whilst away from the University.