Cycling, Bread and Circuses? When Le Tour Came to Yorkshire and What It Left Behind

HC.0.06 , Heart of the Campus, Collegiate Crescent, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield

Professor Karl Spracklen, Leeds Beckett University In the summer of 2014, there was no way of getting away from it: Le Tour de France, the most famous and prestigious professional men’s cycling events, was coming to Yorkshire (UK), and Skipton, where I live, was in the middle of it. The message from people in tourism…


Translating Research into Practice and Impact – Lessons from Love Fighting Hate Violence

HC.0.06 , Heart of the Campus, Collegiate Crescent, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield

Dr. Christopher R. Matthews With increasing focus on ‘impact’ as a part of REF, there has been an ongoing debate around how best to achieve, enhance and measure this more practical side of research. Within this talk I explore two distinct ways in which impact can be understood. This foundation will then be used to…


Professor Tony Blackshaw’s Inaugural Lecture

HC.0.06 , Heart of the Campus, Collegiate Crescent, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield

This is not a Professorial Lecture You are invited to attend the Professorial Tony Blackshaw’s  Inaugural Professorial Lecture, titled ‘This is not a Professorial Lecture’. Tony joined the University at the turn of the century. He is author of 10 books and numerous refereed journal articles. Tony has particular expertise in the sociology of leisure,…


Staff Development Session: Using Twitter

HC.0.32 Heart of the Campus, Sheffield

Due to the success of the ‘Staff Profile Raising Event’, this opportunity is available for all staff, but may be of specific interest to those involved in recruitment and Course Leader roles. The session is designed to be very practical and give you the necessary skills to use Twitter. Twitter can be used in a…