Smoke Free Hallam

Hallam has committed to being a smoke-free University by 1 September 2019 and a new policy will come into force on that date to improve the wellbeing of our staff and students.

The new policy is part of the University’s commitment under the Hallam Deal and demonstrates our ambition to enable healthier lives – we want to work towards cleaner air around campus and prevent the normalisation of smoking for younger people (including both tobacco and vaping).

Thank you to everyone who has given advice and suggestions at our recent focus groups and staff survey which we are looking into:
• Access to QUIT advice – both face-to-face and online
• Clear signage so people know where the smoke-free zones are
• Communication and literature about being proud to be smoke-free
• Pop-up green spaces with temporary plants, seating, and banners about the benefits of clean air and a smoke-free campus
• a group of ambassadors to receive specific training around championing our smoke-free commitment.

We have started to enlist the ambassadors and will be starting the training very soon.

If you think you would like to be an ambassador or have any thoughts on the new policy please contact ! HWB Staff Engagement.

Follow this link for more information and to see the revised No Smoking policy, to be implemented on 1 September 2019.

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