Leadership and Management Apprenticeships: applications for autumn 2019 now open

A message from Shauna Vulliamy (Head of talent management)

Dear Colleagues,

We are now accepting applications for the Leadership and Management Apprenticeships at Sheffield Business School starting in autumn 2019. They are open to Professional Services and Academic colleagues, although to date we have received significantly more interest from professional services staff.

For further information please see the guidance and application form on the website, but in summary:

  • We are offering a total of 20 places on the Executive MBA, Facilities MBA, MA Leadership in Practice and Chartered Manager Degree Apprenticeship. There is no Operational Manager Diploma this year as that Programme is under review.
  • They are open to both Academic and Professional Services staff who meet the eligibility criteria.
  • Applicants must be Grade 7 or above for the MA or MBA, and Grade 5 or 6 for the Chartered Manager Degree Apprenticeship.
  • There is no financial cost to the individual or University: it is paid for through the Apprenticeship levy, but managers will need to release individuals for 20% of their contractual working time for ‘off the job learning’ for the duration of the Programme, which is a significant investment for the University
  • Individuals must check that they meet both the apprenticeship requirements and course requirements before applying
  • Individuals must fill out the application form and must get approval for applying from their manager as well as their Group Director, Head of Department or ULT member: this is to ensure that we are supporting people who are already high performing and who are engaged with the University.
  • Applications must be sent to Shauna Vulliamy by 10am on Monday 1 July 2019.  Selection panels will take place in early July 2019 and applicants informed of the outcome by 12 July 2019.

If you have any questions or would like to volunteer to be on the assessment panel (I need 2/3 people), please let me know.

Best wishes,

Shauna Vulliamy

E: S.Vulliamy@shu.ac.uk


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