The current Web Room Booking System has been used within the University for over 15 years. Since October 2018, the Bryan Nicholson building has implemented a new system, Resource Booker, to manage the room bookings process.
In the coming weeks, this upgrade will be rolled-out across the University’s estate, replacing the current Web Room Booking System.
Benefits of the new Resource Booker include:
- a more user-friendly look and feel with a modernised appearance
- access to meeting rooms, IT space, classrooms and more (non-teaching activities only)
- accessibility by both staff and students which allows the University to integrate multiple systems and have better scope of available resource
- a mobile-friendly version allowing users to book rooms on the move
- an unlimited number of users – previously, the Web Room Booking System was restricted to 20 users at any one time
As the upgrade has been trialled successfully for the past few months, the next stage is to make this transition across the University. We appreciate that changing a system that has been in place for so long will bring unfamiliarity and therefore will be providing guidelines to help with the transition. We are confident that once Resource Booker is fully embedded, the booking experience will significantly improve for all stakeholders.
More updates will be released over the upcoming weeks. If you have any initial queries in the meantime, please email ! Space Resource Management Team
Please note that due to recent PSOM movements, a small number of users may experience issues viewing certain rooms due to locked down groups. Please use the above email address to find out further information.