5 tips for dealing with homesickness

By Hannah Parker, BA (Hons) Business and Enterprise Management, 2nd year I know first-hand how hard homesickness is. I moved from Surrey to Sheffield and it was a hard move! So here are my top tips to deal with it & settle in nicely: 1. Don’t go home for at least 6 weeks A lot…

My LGBT experience: why I chose Hallam

By Luke Allan, BA (Hons) Public Relations and Media, 4th Year In my time at university I’ve learnt many things, like how to balance my studies with my social life, write a great press release and how to cook an epic Nasi Goreng. But the biggest and most important thing I’ve learnt is to be myself,…

How to beat the postgraduate blues

 By Rachel Measures, BA (Hons) Media, 3rd Year It’s the end of 3rd Year! Finally the exams and assignments are done, all the celebrations are over, and now you’re left to wonder what life after summer is going to bring. It’s a time where the unknown is your present, and you’re left with the reminder that…